• man and woman sitting in tall grass

    Can Your Husband Help Your Mental Health?

    I’ve made it no secret that I have struggled with feelings of depression, dealt with a heavy amount of grief concerning my mother’s death, and faced a lot of hurt concerning a family history of alcoholism and divorce. Let’s just…

  • black typewriter on wooden table
    Current Affairs

    Responding To Your Feedback: Part 5

    Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…

  • woman with tear running down one cheek
    Ministry Life

    The Lonely Pastor’s Wife

    I’ve been a pastor’s wife for about nine years. It feels like I always have always been, but I also know those years are a drop in the bucket for the women who have stood beside pastor husbands for three,…

  • hour glass with white sand
    Christian Walk

    What’s The Hurry, Christians?

    A breakout session with author, Claudia Barba, at a ladies event I recently attended convicted me in a big way. She discussed hurry, and everything she said about it resonated with me. I am in a hurry. Every day. All…

  • three women laughing in sunflower field
    Ministry Life

    Pastors’ Wives Need Each Other

    I recently had the privilege to attend a ladies’ retreat for pastors’ wives and those leading women’s ministries. Because I have been to quite a few Christian ladies’ retreats over the years, I had a fairly good idea of what…

  • Woman staring out window blinds looking bored

    Worshiping God In The Mundane

    Most of us aren’t living an exciting life defined by travel, riches, and adventure. Instead, our lives are a series of familiar tasks and duties that we must accomplish to survive. For some of us, the days resemble each other…

  • sign that says "we hear you."
    Current Affairs

    Responding To Your Feedback: Part 3

    Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…

  • close-up of pride flag
    Current Affairs

    LGBTQ+ Support Hurts Women

    Disclaimer: I will be referring to people who identify as transgender in this post. I will call them by the names they currently use, but I will not be honoring any pronouns that do not match the biological reality of…