• storm trooper Lego teaching Darth Vader Lego to ride a bike

    The 10 Best Parenting Tips I Have Received

    My father recently asked for my parenting secret during a phone conversation. After I stopped uncontrollably laughing at him, I realized he wasn’t joking. I explained his grandparent goggles were blurring his vision concerning my children. They are normal kids…

  • father walking with 3 children

    10 Habits Of Good Christian Fathers

    Our current culture diminishes fathers’ inherent value in families. Modern feminists choose to raise kids without a man in their lives, usurp their husbands in the home concerning child-rearing, and/or vilify men who fit the “cisgender” label. Fathers, however, are…

  • man sitting alone in church

    When The Church Hurts You

    I got saved at 26 years old, and I had some pretty naïve and idealistic ideas about what being in a church would be like. Thankfully, I was correct about the potlucks. I’ve been to plenty of those over the…

  • wooden fence in a grassy field
    Ministry Life

    Ministry Life: Boundaries

    Ministry life is littered with traps. Don’t misunderstand me, though, because I’ll be the first one to tell you about how being a pastor’s wife has blessed me. Actually, my husband’s ministry has blessed our entire family. Nonetheless, the blessings…

  • couple under umbrella
    Current Affairs

    Sex And The Church: 8 Bad Teachings

    For the last few years, women have been stepping forward to share their experiences with sexual assault, sexism, and plain ol’ icky behavior aimed at them. In 2017, the #metoo hashtag went viral, and an avalanche of stories came out.…

  • man pointing finger at viewer
    Ministry Life

    Ministry Life: Handling Criticism

    Men and women enter ministry with such enthusiasm and positivity. I just sit back and smile because what good would I do to dampen their spirits? And after all, there is plenty to be enthusiastic and positive about. Nevertheless, I…

  • two children having a pillow fight

    Your Challenging Child Is An Opportunity

    Any mother will tell you that every child can be challenging. Some mothers, however, understand that certain children are a little (see: A LOT) extra with their challenge. I finally felt seen as a mom to a challenging child when…

  • mother holding toddler's hand while walking away together

    Your Child Is His Own Person

    My third child was born at the beginning of January in 2014. He was a notably easy pregnancy and an even easier labor and delivery. That was the last time I would ever describe this boy as easy. My oldest…