• crying little boy

    Yes, Divorce Hurts Kids

    I’m currently the same age that my dad was when he left my mom and moved out. I was just shy of seventeen at the time, and I had a teenager’s understanding of how gigantic and life-altering that decision had…

  • close-up of man and woman's hands holding each other

    10 Ways To Encourage Your Husband

    Father’s Day is almost here, and I sincerely hope that people remember to celebrate fathers this year. Each year it seems like more and more women are trying to claim the day as their own because they are single parents.…

  • woman at the beach looking at the sky

    Homeschool Mom Problems: Get A Life

    “What do you do for fun?” I’ve heard that countless times over the years when I’m meeting someone new. My response is typically a glazed over stare and an uncomfortable giggle. Nowadays, my main hobby is chasing the eight ball.…

  • woman sitting on the floor looking sad

    When An Unsaved Loved One Dies

    The main speaker at a ladies’ retreat I recently attended gave an excellent message on keeping our focus on eternal things, and among the examples she shared was the story of her sister’s untimely passing. Although devastated, the speaker took…

  • muffins in the oven

    Are You A Hospitable Christian?

    What do you think about when you think of Christianity? Things that immediately come to my mind include Jesus Christ, the Bible, prayer, love, and those classic hymns we conservatives love to sing so much. Casseroles, however, rarely come to…

  • boy sitting in bed reading a bible
    Ministry Life

    How I’m Raising My Preacher’s Kids

    I was woefully unprepared for motherhood, but raising preacher’s kids has only added a whole new challenge to the mix. In conservative circles, I feel compelled to explain my lack of “churching” as a young person. We didn’t do the…

  • a couple holding hands and having coffee together
    Ministry Life

    How To Help Your Pastor Husband

    Pastors’ wives have a unique role in the Church. We are not hired by our local church, but we often find ourselves serving alongside our husbands as if we were. I believe many members of the church see that through…