A Birthday Letter To My Mom: After She’s Gone
*I wrote this letter two years ago to share on my personal Facebook page. My posts often go unnoticed, but this one seemed to resonate with a lot of people. Especially women. As I write this, it’s Christmas Eve, the…
We Took Our Kids On Our Anniversary Trip…And It Was Great!
My husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary last year. I saw it as a milestone, though, it seems a little silly to me to look at 10 years in a marriage as remarkable. But, alas, the culture certainly…
My Kids Aren’t Busy, And They Don’t Have To Be
Comparison. Why do we do this to ourselves? I’ll be living my life and feeling quite satisfied with how we’re doing. The kids will enjoy our schedule and involvement in activities. My husband and I will feel like we’ve struck…
The Stroller: My Prideful Parenting Fail
I have five children. FIVE. For some people that’s a drop in the bucket. For this only child who is very much characterized by being the only child, my house is a zoo to me sometimes. My life now is…
It’s Actually True: My Mom Is Dead
*Update: I originally wrote this in the Summer of 2018. I needed to write it in order to process. I usually process out loud, but I couldn’t speak these words. Today, the 2 year anniversary of my mom’s death, I…