Blind Faith: A Poison In The Church
The Church has a serious problem, and it is only getting worse. Christians don’t know why they believe what they believe. So many are operating on blind faith in their Christian walk that the Church and its gospel witness are…
9 Reasons I Don’t Drink Alcohol (And I Think No Christian Should)
Alcohol is a fixture in American culture. College, weddings, children’s birthday parties, holidays, weekends, and five o’clock are all typical events for drinking. At this point, people expect everyone to drink. If I turn down a bottle of water, then…
Ministry Life: Handling Criticism
Men and women enter ministry with such enthusiasm and positivity. I just sit back and smile because what good would I do to dampen their spirits? And after all, there is plenty to be enthusiastic and positive about. Nevertheless, I…
Your Challenging Child Is An Opportunity
Any mother will tell you that every child can be challenging. Some mothers, however, understand that certain children are a little (see: A LOT) extra with their challenge. I finally felt seen as a mom to a challenging child when…
Christianity And Islam Don’t Share A God
For a few months I’ve been investigating denominations that seemingly everyone accepts as Christian and attempting to determine if they, in fact, uphold biblical Christian beliefs. Previous posts have covered Catholicism, Lutheranism, Mormons , and Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is another…
Christian Romance: Live By A Higher Standard
He enters the room, and you lose your breath. You avoid making eye contact with him because he might see what you’re feeling. Your heart races and blood rushes to your face. He feels the same, and the next few…
Ministry Life: The Pastor’s Family
The pastor’s family is like any other family in church. They have many of the same needs, struggles, and victories as everyone else. However, the demands on the pastor’s family can be uniquely strenuous and challenging. This is not meant…
Your Church Should Not Be Seeker Sensitive
The seeker-sensitive movement has had a tremendous impact on American Christian churches. We have seeker sensitivity to thank (or not) for the rise of megachurches and many wildly popular celebrity pastors. These seeker sensitive churches are looking for big crowds…
Christians And Jehovah’s Witnesses: Not On The Same Page
We have already looked at Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Mormonism to determine if the teachings in those denominations are biblical. We really had to examine them closely because there are some significant similarities between biblical Christianity and these groups. On the…
4 LifeWay Red Flags That Should Send You Running
LifeWay Christian Resources is a publishing company that is well-known throughout the Christian community as a “fantastic” resource for Bible studies, books, Bibles, and many other things you might need in your church, ministry, or even your personal spiritual growth.…