Christian Mothers And The Season Of Waiting
Christian mothers commonly encounter what I refer to as the season of waiting. It starts when a woman is pregnant, and she must begin backing away from some activities and foods she previously enjoyed. Everyone promises her it won’t be…
More Bad Marriage Advice For Christians
Recently, I posted the 10 worst pieces of marriage advice I’ve ever heard. As I wrote it, though, I knew there were plenty more pieces of marital advice to examine. So, let’s tackle some more bad marriage advice and ask…
Christian, Should You Shelter Your Child?
I was born in the 1980’s when sheltering children wasn’t really a thing. I came home on the bus to an empty apartment every day after school, left on a Saturday morning to play with friends with no instructions besides…
The 10 Worst Pieces Of Marriage Advice I’ve Ever Heard
Getting engaged is such a beautiful time in a woman’s life, and she wants to share the joy of the moment with everyone around her. People look at the ring, ask about wedding colors, compliment the fiancé, and begin to…
Large Family Homeschooling: How I Do It
Having a large family gets attention. We don’t even have to be doing anything unique or spectacular to receive more looks and comments than smaller families. I guess we just stick out. For example, as we packed up our things…
Confession: I’m An Angry Mom
If you meet me on any given day, you’ll probably see me throwing my head back in some sort of laugh cackle. My leadership style is laidback, and I accommodate people’s preferences fairly easily. As a mother, however, the ugliness…
The 10 Best Parenting Tips I Have Received
My father recently asked for my parenting secret during a phone conversation. After I stopped uncontrollably laughing at him, I realized he wasn’t joking. I explained his grandparent goggles were blurring his vision concerning my children. They are normal kids…
10 Habits Of Good Christian Fathers
Our current culture diminishes fathers’ inherent value in families. Modern feminists choose to raise kids without a man in their lives, usurp their husbands in the home concerning child-rearing, and/or vilify men who fit the “cisgender” label. Fathers, however, are…
Is Children’s Ministry Worth The Effort?
A few years ago, I would have said that children’s ministry is a waste of time. I understand why that makes me sound like a jaded, single, child-hating twenty-something. However, I’m a married woman with five children who is turning…
Reviewing Ken Ham’s Family Homeschool Experience
Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis (AiG), hosted his first-ever homeschool conference at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. I am a big fan of AiG, and I have homeschooled my children from the very beginning. (You can read my homeschool…