Pastor Appreciation Month: Who Do We Appreciate?
It’s October, and that means churches are celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month. It’s certainly not a requirement, but I’m sure your pastor and his family would enjoy some display of appreciation this month. A small note of encouragement, a gift card,…
Consider Bursting Your Christian Bubble
Growing up in a secular home and not coming to salvation until I was twenty-six years old has given me a relatively unique perspective in the local church. Most people with whom I have attended church grew up in or…
We Aren’t Ready For Christian Persecution
American Christians, me included, have become thin-skinned, and it’s affecting our Christian walk. We’re easily offended, scared to openly share our faith, and find ourselves comfortable enough with the culture around us to blend in with the world. The reasons…
Christians Are Hypocrites (Defending Christianity)
If you’ve met any unbelievers, then I’m guessing you have heard objections to the Christian faith. Some are easy to dismiss while others require much more knowledge about Christ, the Bible, and the nature of our own souls. Can you…
Your Christian Life Isn’t About You
I recently met with a group of Christian women to plan a large ladies’ event being held next year. We brainstormed idea after idea for possible workshops, and many worthwhile topics had to be left on the cutting room floor…
5 Things Christians Should Do More Often
Not too long ago, I wrote a post entitled 5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now. I focused on behaviors that hurt personal testimonies and weaken a Christian’s relationship with Jesus. However, the Christian life is not simply a…
Let’s Try To Be Transparent Christians
Transparency is a common way of being “real” with other people and is seen as authenticity. Personally, I’m not sure why any Christian would not want to be transparent with others. As usual, though, I’m learning how much I don’t…
Does The ‘Let Us Prey’ Docuseries Go Too Far?
The four-episode docuseries, Let Us Pray: A Ministry of Scandals, came out on Discovery+ in November of 2023. I hesitated to watch it because I find the content difficult to stomach, and I suspected it would act as a cudgel…
6 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming A Pastor’s Wife
If I made a list before I was saved of a million paths my life might take one day, pastor’s wife would not have been on it. After becoming a Christian, the list would still not include pastor’s wife. No…
Christian, You Need To Share Your Testimony
I recently attended a ladies’ retreat, and I was given the opportunity to share my testimony of salvation. At first, I was hesitant because I suspected no one would come to hear me. I’m not all that interesting, or at…