What’s The Hurry, Christians?
A breakout session with author, Claudia Barba, at a ladies event I recently attended convicted me in a big way. She discussed hurry, and everything she said about it resonated with me. I am in a hurry. Every day. All…
Is A Small Church Right For You?
What size church is the best size to attend? Where should pastors who are looking for work apply? There are strong opinions regarding church size, and I’m happy to sit back, eat my popcorn, and take in the show. However,…
Christians And The Cultural Obsession With “Body Count”
If social media has proven anything about itself, it’s that it can be a total dumpster fire. Sometimes it feels as if the worst of humanity is congregating for a club meeting or something. Sadly, Christians aren’t immune to getting…
Teach Your Kids The Bible: Reviewing Israel Wayne’s ‘Foundations In Faith’
One of my greatest passions is for Christian women to grow in their faith and walk with the Lord. You might say I want them to have a Set-Apart Walk. I’ve been a Christian for fourteen years, and I’ve attended…
Yes, You Can Love Christ And Stand Against The Government
Other than memes (a girl’s gotta find the joke in the dark times…), I have resisted making too many comments about the government reaction to Covid-19 in mixed company. I have, however, seen many Christians lie down like the doormats…
5 Verses For When Life Gets Hard
Early in my Christian life my pastor asked me to give a short version of my testimony which included how I was different after salvation. I’m always happy to share my testimony, so I quickly agreed. All but my shaking…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 4
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
Pastors’ Wives Need Each Other
I recently had the privilege to attend a ladies’ retreat for pastors’ wives and those leading women’s ministries. Because I have been to quite a few Christian ladies’ retreats over the years, I had a fairly good idea of what…
Be A First-Generation Christian
Recently, one of our Sunday School teachers challenged us to consider where we base our faith and how we disciple our children. People give all kinds of reasons as to why they believe they are saved, and so often what…
Yes, Divorce Hurts Kids
I’m currently the same age that my dad was when he left my mom and moved out. I was just shy of seventeen at the time, and I had a teenager’s understanding of how gigantic and life-altering that decision had…