Ministry Life
Ministry Life: The Pastor’s Family
The pastor’s family is like any other family in church. They have many of the same needs, struggles, and victories as everyone else. However, the demands on the pastor’s family can be uniquely strenuous and challenging. This is not meant…
Your Church Should Not Be Seeker Sensitive
The seeker-sensitive movement has had a tremendous impact on American Christian churches. We have seeker sensitivity to thank (or not) for the rise of megachurches and many wildly popular celebrity pastors. These seeker sensitive churches are looking for big crowds…
Imposter Syndrome: A Ministry Secret
As a pastor’s wife I’m in an interesting position. I don’t have an official role at our church, but I play a specific role in many people’s eyes because of who I married. I understand why some may see me…
7 Ways Pastors’ Wives Make It Harder For Themselves
My husband has pastored three churches. All three have been Baptist. The first two were Southern Baptist, and our current church is independent Baptist. Each church has been conservative to varying degrees, and they have all been small churches in…
Is Easter Still The Holiest Day In The Church?
Easter is the “big show” for churches. It is the holiest day of the year, so Christians often want to have a particularly special service. Additionally, Easter is one of the two days a year people who rarely go to…
Being a Pastor’s Wife Is Not My Job
My husband just wouldn’t drop the idea of being a pastor. I didn’t really want him to give up on it because I believed it was a call in his life to preach and lead a church. On the other…
Bi-Vocational Ministry: It’s Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
My husband told me he wanted to be pastor before we got married. I practically patted him on the head and said, “Suuuuure.” He was already a teacher, so the career thing seemed pretty buttoned up. We quickly started having…