Current Affairs
We Aren’t Ready For Christian Persecution
American Christians, me included, have become thin-skinned, and it’s affecting our Christian walk. We’re easily offended, scared to openly share our faith, and find ourselves comfortable enough with the culture around us to blend in with the world. The reasons…
Christians Are Hypocrites (Defending Christianity)
If you’ve met any unbelievers, then I’m guessing you have heard objections to the Christian faith. Some are easy to dismiss while others require much more knowledge about Christ, the Bible, and the nature of our own souls. Can you…
How Should Christians Vote?
It’s 2024, and you know what that means. Americans are being forced to endure yet another presidential election. To kick off this election season, we recently had a presidential debate between former President Trump and President Biden, and it was…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 7 (Criticizing Criticism)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
No, Women Can’t Have It All
Men have been plagued by a mystery that is nearly as old as time. What do women want? The answer is actually quite simple. Everything. Women want everything. And it is the Herculean attempt to make everything a reality that…
Does The ‘Let Us Prey’ Docuseries Go Too Far?
The four-episode docuseries, Let Us Pray: A Ministry of Scandals, came out on Discovery+ in November of 2023. I hesitated to watch it because I find the content difficult to stomach, and I suspected it would act as a cudgel…
Is It Biblical To Be A Tradwife?
A woman’s life choices and role in society are seemingly always up for debate. No matter what we do, ladies, it’s not correct. We can’t win. Working from home? You’re wrong. Housewife? Bad choice. Single? What’s wrong with you? Married?…
A Must-Read: ‘The Deconstruction of Christianity’
In 2021, I wrote a post called Christian Deconstruction: A Trend That’s Here to Stay. Although I believed it was a significant problem in the Church, I only heard a few prominent Christians addressing the issue at the time. It…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 6 (The Catholic Edition)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
Navigating The Holidays With Your Unsaved Family
Christmas is supposed to be a time to celebrate Jesus’ birth, and we use that time to be with our loved ones as we worship the Lord. It’s a special time, but for some, it isn’t always so wonderful. Let’s…