Responding To Your Feedback: Part 1
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
Jen Wilkin Is Wrong About Public School
*Someone did not like my stance. Check out Responding To Your Feedback: Part 4 to read the exchange.* The Internet blew up in Christian circles last week when The Gospel Coalition (TGC) released a new episode of a series called…
Homeschoolers Should Reject “School Choice”
I tried to be quiet on school choice because the response to it has been overwhelmingly positive. Rather than voice my concerns, I sat back and watched as conservatives, Christians, and homeschoolers championed school choice legislation. Proponents keep repeating phrases…
Are You A Hospitable Christian?
What do you think about when you think of Christianity? Things that immediately come to my mind include Jesus Christ, the Bible, prayer, love, and those classic hymns we conservatives love to sing so much. Casseroles, however, rarely come to…
How I’m Raising My Preacher’s Kids
I was woefully unprepared for motherhood, but raising preacher’s kids has only added a whole new challenge to the mix. In conservative circles, I feel compelled to explain my lack of “churching” as a young person. We didn’t do the…
What I Wish I Had Known Before Getting Married
As I write this, I have been married for over thirteen years. Overall, my marriage is a happy one. My husband, Chris, is my best friend, and he makes my life better in every way. If I’m totally transparent, I…
Women Need Theology, Too
Writing a blog has given me countless opportunities to encounter the varying beliefs women across the country hold. These women come from diverse backgrounds and demographics, but one thing unites a great deal of them. They frighten me! The emails…
What To Do When Homeschool Gets Hard
Usually, when you ask a homeschool parent about homeschooling, she will tell you how wonderful it is and proceed to list every benefit homeschooling offers. In fact, she’ll probably list things that are not true for her personally but she…
How To Help Your Pastor Husband
Pastors’ wives have a unique role in the Church. We are not hired by our local church, but we often find ourselves serving alongside our husbands as if we were. I believe many members of the church see that through…
Christians, The Enneagram Isn’t For Us
You guys, we need to talk about something. A lot of you are going to be angry, but this has gotten out of hand. The time to drop the Enneagram and outright reject it is way overdue. Despite what you…