Yes, You Can Love Christ And Stand Against The Government
Other than memes (a girl’s gotta find the joke in the dark times…), I have resisted making too many comments about the government reaction to Covid-19 in mixed company. I have, however, seen many Christians lie down like the doormats that the population at large thinks we are. I grew evermore frustrated at my Christian brothers’ and sisters’ response. Simultaneously, I’d say that they were disappointed in those of us who took a stand against the government. Does this even matter any longer? Well, rumors of vaccine mandates and shutdown policies are making the rounds, and the Church needs to do a better job the next time the government overreaches. And it’s bound to eventually.
What I Loved Seeing During The Pandemic
Let’s begin with the best thing I saw during the pandemic. Pastors, pastors’ wives, church leaders, and other vocal Christians tried to encourage us as the Covid-19 mess took over every aspect of our lives. I can’t find fault in that. I can, without reserve, say that I am thankful for reminders that God is still on the throne. He knew this was coming, and He was by our side the whole time. Thank you, Christians, for keeping your eyes on Jesus and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.
The “Christian” Response
Here’s my problem. The encouragement didn’t stop at simple encouragement. It often continued into this narrative: “Christians, you need to, quietly and with a smile on your face, do as you are told. Don’t question what is happening. Do not voice your displeasure. Show love through compliance. Jesus is love. Love is turning the other cheek and going with the status quo. No resistance = Christ-likeness.” Excuse me while I roll my eyes ALL the way around.
This attitude is weak, and it simplifies both the situation and what it is to walk in the Lord.
God Commands Obedience
Before everyone claims I am calling for illegal activity and an attempt to overthrow the government, I need to clarify. I am not telling people to disobey the law. In fact, Scripture would support obeying the law.
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
Romans 13:1-2
You will find the same message in First Peter 2:13-17. In my flesh, I don’t want the Bible to say this, but God is clearly telling us to obey our leaders. In fact, God put them in their positions. So first, we ought to pray for these people. And as I look at the governors in Michigan, Wisconsin, California, New York, and Illinois, I have no doubt we all need to be praying. So. Much. Prayer. Needed.
Stand Against The Government Within The Law
In addition to prayer, we also have practical non-spiritual ways to encourage change and disagree with our government.
Get To The Ballot Boxes
We can vote. May I take a moment to suggest we all stop voting along party lines, and instead, look at what the individual candidates are offering? Also, ladies, please vote. I’ve seen a trend among Christian women to choose not to vote because they believe a husband, being the head of the household, should be the only voice. This is utter foolishness. If we want to have any impact on the world we live in at the governmental level, then we must have our voices heard. All of our voices.
Voting might not seem like taking a stand against the government, but it’s a legal way for us to remove men and women from office when we don’t like how they are running the country. Voting might feel discouraging to some of you after the Trump vs. Biden presidential election, but we shouldn’t just give up. Fight back at the ballot.
As of today, protesting is still a legal practice in the United States. Therefore, Christian, protest if you feel so led. If you are abiding by the law, then you are not engaging in a sinful practice. Yes, this can be sinful depending on how you do it, but our nation’s leaders have given us a legal way to stand against the government in demonstrations of protest. Why not use this right?
Know Your Facts
Recognize the difference between law and guidelines. For example, is it a law in your state to wear a mask, or is it suggested? In 2020, Wisconsin residents were not mandated to wear them in most of the state. So, my family chose not to wear masks. We were showing our disagreement and displeasure with the government by refusing to go above and beyond what was legally required. I stood opposed to the mask recommendation (because of science and stuff), and I did so publicly while in no way impeding anyone else’s ability to wear the mask I rejected.
Can Christians Stand Against The Government Through Civil Disobedience?
There are circumstances in which it is acceptable to practice civil disobedience. We can find examples of this throughout Scripture. We read the midwives in Exodus allowed Hebrew baby boys to live, despite the Pharoah’s command to kill them, and God rewarded these midwives and His people.
“Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.”
Exodus 1:20-21
In the book of Joshua, Rahab hid Israel’s spies and helped them escape Jericho despite knowing they were wanted men. She didn’t receive condemnation from God, but rather she and her family were saved when Israel overtook Jericho.
In Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship an idol, and God literally saved them from a fiery death sentence.
Finally, I’ll move to the New Testament to point out that the apostles were explicitly told not to preach the gospel. Their response?
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men”
Acts 5:29
Why could they disobey and still be in God’s will? They were told to sin and/or stop God’s work, and not even the government can make you do that. But you have to decide if your disobedience is a sin or a necessary action to remain in God’s will.
Being A Christian Isn’t Just The Good Feelings
It seems many Christians shamed those of us who publicly shared our anger, confusion, disappointment, or whatever negative emotion we experienced with Covid-19 regulations. I’d like to gently say to those Christians, “Stop it!”
OK, OK. Some Christians took it too far by cursing at people who saw things differently, threatening violence, spreading panic, name-calling, etc. I won’t defend that. On the other hand, let’s acknowledge that people are quite capable of two things being true at once. I can feel frustration or anger over my inept governor’s actions while simultaneously having peace that no matter the outcome my Lord is with me and in charge. I know that for some balancing more than one feeling at a time can be overwhelming. However, for many of us, this is a feat we accomplish daily…
Let’s stop silencing people who don’t want to rely on pithy, trite, Christianese sayings to get through their day. We should allow each other the ability to lean on Jesus while also legally addressing the wrongs being committed against us by a government that seems hungry for more power and control.
The Future Of The Church Because We Didn’t Stand Against The Government
OK. Last one. Something encouraging I noticed was people tuned into church services online who typically don’t go to church. As a result, many Christians thought that the pandemic was growing the Kingdom. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but…
I hope people watched church services, heard the gospel, and were saved. However, most stories I hear from other pastors and their wives is that they lost some people, sometimes a lot of people, after they reopened the church. The individuals either gave up going to church at all, or they decided to watch services from different churches online. Sadly, there are plenty of terrible “churches,” and many of the worst offenders have great technological resources and marketing teams.
The Risks Of Online Church Services
If I wasn’t “churched” (or an undiscipled believer), would I tune into a small, rural, Bible-preaching church with antiquated tech or Joel Osteen’s polished, large, recognizable church? Ugh, I’m going to say I’d tune into Osteen. Would I hear the gospel and clear Biblical teaching? I’m gonna err on the side of nope.
My point isn’t to belittle the increased interest in church by some during the pandemic, but rather it is to place realistic expectations on it. Watching church doesn’t mean a whole lot if you aren’t saved or hearing the gospel message as it’s presented in the Bible. Praying isn’t meaningful if you aren’t praying to the God of the Bible. Please, stop conflating increased online church views with increased numbers of Christians. All that said, I fully recognize that some Christians did grow in their faith through troubled times, some people did come to Christ, and many Christians displayed love throughout it all. Amen!
Let’s note, church closures in the wake of the shutdown and increased interest in online services has proven to be detrimental to churches across the United States. I’ve read and heard people say “the church isn’t the building.” They say this gives us new opportunities to minister. Maybe. But as a result of temporarily shutting down in-person services because the government said so, churches have lost members, a place in the community, and believers have left the church families that served them and kept them accountable. Frankly, more online ministry for less in-person ministry is a serious blow to Christians.
Should the Church have fought against the government as it stuck its nose in our business and interfered in spiritual matters? Did closures and moving to online services actually hurt churches? I’m afraid so.
What’s The Answer?
Do we fight and stand against The Man, refusing to be responsible citizen? No. We find rest and safety in our God. We remember we do not need to fear any evil.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
Psalm 23
Final Thought
One might wonder why we should even bother making ourselves heard and resisting our government when we feel we should, especially if we know God has it in His control. Well, our country has guaranteed us particular rights, and those rights are in place to protect our freedoms (including the freedom to worship God) and those rights are in need of protection. If our government chips away at our rights then politicians, and those who fund politicians, have a foothold in legislating harm and sin toward the most vulnerable in our society, not to mention to dismantle churches!
Christians in America have the legal right to stand against a government that seeks harm against them. This freedom is a responsibility to speak for good, His good. So, yes, I will obey the laws of the land, but I will also speak up and stand against injustice, manipulation, murder, abuse, and the disregard for the law as it is displayed by the leaders of this nation. We can love, show others Jesus, and refuse to lay down and let a sick governmental system walk all over us and use us for its ends.
I’m praying that our government doesn’t try to interfere with the Church again, but we need to be prepared for the possibility. You’re not a bad Christian, sinning, or failing to display the love of Christ if you stand against an out-of-line, power-hungry government. Let’s never let 2020 happen again.
Where do you stand? Can a Christian refuse to comply with the government?
Image courtesy of Ben Noble via Unsplash.

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👏🏼. 👏🏼. 👏🏼. Well said! I applaud your unapologetic stance and I stand with you, Julie. I had left the church for 15+ years after they failed me as a single Mom to 3 children and only came back 2 years ago. Therefore I was not attending anywhere when the c~v1D crap went down and the subsequent st@bs were rolled out and/therefore was not at all aware of what churches were doing in response to the criminal, evil mandates. I only heard bits and pieces of my Mom’s experience at her church here in Canada—I’ve now made it mine, as I’ve temporarily moved in with her—how they went to online services, and some (she included) wore muzzles 🫢 (er, masks) when they did meet in person. I’m frustrated and disappointed so many many churches complied and shut their doors, moving to online services instead of standing up and refusing. It’s refreshing to read your admonishment to the majority who did this, and your encouragement to stand up next time. And we both know there will be a next time (sadly). God help us to take a stand as Christian churches against anything that goes against Him and His Word and will 🙏🏼 God bless you. Thank you for sharing! Don’t stop!
Thank you for your encouraging words. You don’t know just how much I appreciate it!