Is The “Billy Graham Rule” Sexist?
Billy Graham, famed evangelist known for his revival meetings called crusades, developed what is now referred to as the “Billy Graham Rule.” Graham developed this principle in 1948 during a crusade in Modesto, California. Simply put, he decided that he…
Sarah Young Doesn’t Hear Jesus Calling
Christian books are a mainstay in believers’ lives. Personally, I love to read, and I think doctrinally solid Christian books can be valuable resources. They have their failings, too, though. Christians are getting lazy and picking up the next bestseller…
Modesty: It’s More Than What You Wear
Matthew West, an award-winning Contemporary Christian musician, recently dropped a new single entitled “Modest is Hottest.” The reaction was predictably angry and blinded by modern feminism and purity culture backlash. Blogs and comment sections lit up with this seemingly never-ending…
Living As A Christian Looks Weird
Note: Below is the talk I gave at my church’s Mother-Daughter Banquet about how living as a Christian looks weird…or it should! I’m not one to do a lot of public speaking, but I had a good time. I decided…
Is Easter Still The Holiest Day In The Church?
Easter is the “big show” for churches. It is the holiest day of the year, so Christians often want to have a particularly special service. Additionally, Easter is one of the two days a year people who rarely go to…
Should Christians Celebrate Easter Like The World?
Easter is here again, and it is time to get ready to celebrate. Eggs will be filled with candy, kids will hunt eggs, and grown adults will walk around in bunny costumes while taking pictures with random children. Families will…
I Am Not “Just” A Housewife
Every so often an article or tweet will say out loud what I have been fearing in the depths of my being. I’m “just” a housewife. I can see the expression I often get when I answer that dreaded question.…
The Bible Has An Opinion On Your Media Choices
As COVID-19 causes hysteria, fear, shutdowns, and school closings, I’m left wondering what people are going to do all day. I’m always home, so I have routines and tasks that I am accustomed to completing throughout the day. What about…
My Kids Aren’t Busy, And They Don’t Have To Be
Comparison. Why do we do this to ourselves? I’ll be living my life and feeling quite satisfied with how we’re doing. The kids will enjoy our schedule and involvement in activities. My husband and I will feel like we’ve struck…
My Honest and Unfiltered Reasons for Homeschooling
I am homeschooling for many reasons. It’s for prestige, and I glory in all the comments I receive about how beneficial this form of education will be for my children. I educate at home because nothing makes me, an introvert,…