Social Justice Is Not Compatible With Christianity
Earlier this month, America spoke at the polls, and it said, “We reject Far Left agendas,” among other things. Former President Trump is now President-elect Trump. Y’all, he’s back. He’s polarizing, and I’m not planning on getting into the pros…
Ecumenism: Bringing The Wrong Things Together
If someone asked you, a Christian, if you would rather promote divisiveness or a united voice in the Church, what would you say? I’m going to take a bold stance and say you’d probably reject having a divisive spirit in…
Consider Bursting Your Christian Bubble
Growing up in a secular home and not coming to salvation until I was twenty-six years old has given me a relatively unique perspective in the local church. Most people with whom I have attended church grew up in or…
Seeing Yourself The Way God Sees You
What do you think of yourself? Do you like the person you’re becoming? Too few of us do. It’s my suspicion that a lot of us use the wrong metric when deciding how we measure up. God sees you, Friend,…
5 Things Christians Should Do More Often
Not too long ago, I wrote a post entitled 5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now. I focused on behaviors that hurt personal testimonies and weaken a Christian’s relationship with Jesus. However, the Christian life is not simply a…
No, Women Can’t Have It All
Men have been plagued by a mystery that is nearly as old as time. What do women want? The answer is actually quite simple. Everything. Women want everything. And it is the Herculean attempt to make everything a reality that…
Selfie Culture Is An Extension Of A Sinful Culture
I know I may be old by some standards, but at forty-one, I’m technically a millennial. Though, please, don’t clump me in with the stereotypes. Millennials are known for many things to which I can’t relate. Topping that list would…
Is Your Authentic Christianity Real Christianity?
Hypocrisy in the Church is a frequently referenced issue when Christianity receives criticism. And ya know what? It should be because there are hypocrites in the Church. But should this be surprising? Christians, as with all other people, will never…
Yes, You Can Love Christ And Stand Against The Government
Other than memes (a girl’s gotta find the joke in the dark times…), I have resisted making too many comments about the government reaction to Covid-19 in mixed company. I have, however, seen many Christians lie down like the doormats…
Rick Warren, Female Pastors, And The Battle For The SBC
Two years ago I wrote a blog post, 3 Reasons Saddleback Church Fails The Gospel And You, in response to the news that Rick Warren ordained female pastors. That post has been my most read and hated piece of content…