Sinful Pasts, Evangelism, And Hypocritical Christians
One of the hardest parts of being a Christian is telling other people about Jesus. We don’t want to be judged by others or come across as “crazy.” Not to mention, we fear that someone may ask us a question…
Comfortable Christianity Is No Christianity At All
I named my blog The Set-Apart Walk as a direct response to what I believe is the key component missing in American Christianity today. Holiness. To be set apart is to be holy. To be holy we are not only…
Catholicism Is Not Biblical Christianity
I don’t want to write this. I reap no reward or derive any joy from pointing out the theological problems in Catholicism. However, I strongly believe that it is essential for us to understand the similarities and differences between various…
An Unwanted Blessing: My 5th Baby
My youngest turned four years old this week. He is living proof that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3). My husband and I, as well as our other four children, adore him. He isn’t just my baby. He’s…
Christian Deconstruction: A Trend That’s Here To Stay
Seemingly, every time I jump onto social media, I read about another Christian who has walked away from his or her faith. Namely, Christianity. Sometimes the person is a celebrity Christian, but those stories are only noticed the most because…
How To Choose A Church
On a fairly regular basis, I see women on Facebook asking for help choosing a church. They may have just moved, recently became a Christian, or left a church for one reason or another. I’ve noticed something a bit disturbing,…
I’m Afraid I Have Wasted My Life
I gave a devotional at my church’s Mother-Daughter Banquet recently. It was a fun time, and I enjoyed writing the devotional and speaking. Naturally, you might think I walked away from the experience feeling pretty good, but I did not.…
Living As A Christian Looks Weird
Note: Below is the talk I gave at my church’s Mother-Daughter Banquet about how living as a Christian looks weird…or it should! I’m not one to do a lot of public speaking, but I had a good time. I decided…
Am I Different Now That I’m Born Again?
I recently shared the testimony of my salvation (aka: being born again) on social media. If you haven’t seen it, you can read it HERE. (Or read the long version) For now, suffice it to say, I repented of my…