Ministry Challenges: When Church Members Leave
Being in ministry has offered my family more opportunities for blessings, friendships, and godly service to others than I ever could have imagined. On the other hand, our family has experienced some of our most remarkable lows and deepest hurts…
When An Unsaved Loved One Dies
The main speaker at a ladies’ retreat I recently attended gave an excellent message on keeping our focus on eternal things, and among the examples she shared was the story of her sister’s untimely passing. Although devastated, the speaker took…
How Can We Mourn With Those Who Mourn?
This week tragedy struck in our church family, and as a result, we are in the midst of planning a very unexpected funeral. Through the sadness, I have witnessed church members effortlessly jump into action to serve this family. To…
Christians, You Can’t Support Abortion
On May 2, 2022 the unthinkable happened. A leaked draft of the majority opinion from the Supreme Court regarding overturning Roe v. Wade spread across the internet. Let’s ignore the serious issues revolving around leaked Supreme Court documents and focus…
Divorce: Looking Through A Biblical Lens
Divorce isn’t really a hot topic in 2021. In fact, it hasn’t been for years. Divorce is ho-hum. It’s everyday stuff. Par for the course. Expected. Even among Bible-believing Christians, divorce is just a regular part of life. They have…
Mother’s Day When You Have A Bad Mom
Mother’s Day is upon us once again. For many, maybe most, people it seems like a day to lavish mothers with flowers, candy, scented candles, obligatory church attendance, and well-meaning attempts at breakfast in bed. At church we give testimonies…
It’s Actually True: My Mom Is Dead
*Update: I originally wrote this in the Summer of 2018. I needed to write it in order to process. I usually process out loud, but I couldn’t speak these words. Today, the 2 year anniversary of my mom’s death, I…