Responding To Your Feedback: Part 4
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
Yes, Divorce Hurts Kids
I’m currently the same age that my dad was when he left my mom and moved out. I was just shy of seventeen at the time, and I had a teenager’s understanding of how gigantic and life-altering that decision had…
Curriculum Review: My Father’s World (Family Learning Cycle)
We are starting a new school year in my home, and it feels like a major milestone for me. Last school year we completed the My Father’s World Family Learning Cycle for the first time, and we are about to…
‘Sound Of Freedom’: A Christian Response To The Controversy
Everything is controversial these days, even protecting children from harm. Seriously. That’s not a joke or hyperbole. It’s a fact. The film Sound of Freedom hit a limited number of screens on July 4, 2023, and it has surprised Hollywood…
Is It Time For You To Quit Homeschooling?
Last week my family wrapped up the 2022-2023 homeschool year. Everyone was thrilled to put the curriculum aside for a bit and take a needed break. No one, however, was more excited than me. By the time we were down…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 2
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
The Christian Stay-At-Home Mom: Is Staying At Home Enough?
Early on in my role as a Christian stay-at-home mom, I felt like I was wasting my time. My husband was out in the community developing relationships that could offer him opportunities to share Christ. Meanwhile, I was changing diapers,…
Homeschool Mom Problems: Get A Life
“What do you do for fun?” I’ve heard that countless times over the years when I’m meeting someone new. My response is typically a glazed over stare and an uncomfortable giggle. Nowadays, my main hobby is chasing the eight ball.…
Jen Wilkin Is Wrong About Public School
*Someone did not like my stance. Check out Responding To Your Feedback: Part 4 to read the exchange.* The Internet blew up in Christian circles last week when The Gospel Coalition (TGC) released a new episode of a series called…
Homeschoolers Should Reject “School Choice”
I tried to be quiet on school choice because the response to it has been overwhelmingly positive. Rather than voice my concerns, I sat back and watched as conservatives, Christians, and homeschoolers championed school choice legislation. Proponents keep repeating phrases…