Is Children’s Ministry Worth The Effort?
A few years ago, I would have said that children’s ministry is a waste of time. I understand why that makes me sound like a jaded, single, child-hating twenty-something. However, I’m a married woman with five children who is turning…
Reviewing Ken Ham’s Family Homeschool Experience
Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis (AiG), hosted his first-ever homeschool conference at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. I am a big fan of AiG, and I have homeschooled my children from the very beginning. (You can read my homeschool…
Ministry Life: Boundaries
Ministry life is littered with traps. Don’t misunderstand me, though, because I’ll be the first one to tell you about how being a pastor’s wife has blessed me. Actually, my husband’s ministry has blessed our entire family. Nonetheless, the blessings…
Are You Leaving Behind A Christian Legacy?
I’m approaching a big birthday this year. I’d like to be mature and not let it make me feel like I’m leaving my youth behind, but despite being too immature to grow up, I’m still “getting old”. More and more…
Your Challenging Child Is An Opportunity
Any mother will tell you that every child can be challenging. Some mothers, however, understand that certain children are a little (see: A LOT) extra with their challenge. I finally felt seen as a mom to a challenging child when…
Ministry Life: The Pastor’s Family
The pastor’s family is like any other family in church. They have many of the same needs, struggles, and victories as everyone else. However, the demands on the pastor’s family can be uniquely strenuous and challenging. This is not meant…
Your Child Is His Own Person
My third child was born at the beginning of January in 2014. He was a notably easy pregnancy and an even easier labor and delivery. That was the last time I would ever describe this boy as easy. My oldest…
Grief Is A Process And That’s OK
My mom’s birthday was yesterday. She would have been sixty-one years old. Sadly, less than a month after she turned fifty-seven, she died due to cirrhosis of the liver. Our relationship was strained…to put it in the most positive light…
Christians And Santa Claus: Do They Mesh?
If you want to really stand out in December, then I suggest you tell people that you don’t “do Santa” at Christmas. That will definitely get you noticed, but you might be surprised at the reactions you receive. The Big…
How To Handle Large Family Holidays
As each one of my children arrived, more questions and “helpful” suggestions concerning finances came my way. “You can save money by eating off the McDonald’s dollar menu once a week.” “Stop having kids now.” “How will you pay for…