Responding To Your Feedback: Part 8 (Pro-Choice Christian Edition)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
How Should Christians Vote?
It’s 2024, and you know what that means. Americans are being forced to endure yet another presidential election. To kick off this election season, we recently had a presidential debate between former President Trump and President Biden, and it was…
Your Christian Life Isn’t About You
I recently met with a group of Christian women to plan a large ladies’ event being held next year. We brainstormed idea after idea for possible workshops, and many worthwhile topics had to be left on the cutting room floor…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 7 (Criticizing Criticism)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Marry A Pastor
The pastor is held to an incredibly high standard, as he should be, and his vocation is typically unlike anyone else’s in the church he serves. Working alongside him is his wife. The pastor’s wife. She’s living the dream: a…
5 Things Christians Should Do More Often
Not too long ago, I wrote a post entitled 5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now. I focused on behaviors that hurt personal testimonies and weaken a Christian’s relationship with Jesus. However, the Christian life is not simply a…
Does The ‘Let Us Prey’ Docuseries Go Too Far?
The four-episode docuseries, Let Us Pray: A Ministry of Scandals, came out on Discovery+ in November of 2023. I hesitated to watch it because I find the content difficult to stomach, and I suspected it would act as a cudgel…
6 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming A Pastor’s Wife
If I made a list before I was saved of a million paths my life might take one day, pastor’s wife would not have been on it. After becoming a Christian, the list would still not include pastor’s wife. No…
5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now
Christians receive a lot of criticism for what they do and for what they fail to do, as well. It seems as if everyone has a set of standards to which they hold other Christians, and believers find they can…
The Battle With Sin: Spiritual Discipline
After being saved, I naively believed that my sin issue was over. I repented and believed, and the Lord saw fit to save me! So, as I understood it, that nasty ol’ sin problem was over. The joke was on…