Kids In Church: They’re Not Too Young
It’s Sunday morning, and your home is chaos. Dishes overflow the sink, crumbs are lurking on every surface, kids are arguing, no one is dressed for the day yet, and you’ve lost your coffee (check the microwave). You had planned…
7 Signs Your Church Might Be Legalistic
As a conservative Christian who strives to live by the fundamentals of the faith, I am probably called all kinds of things behind my back. Certainly, people online seem to have no trouble telling me how awful I am for…
8 Reasons I Love My Church
Churches receive a lot of criticism from congregants. Some feel negatively enough about a church that they’ll move on to another or leave church altogether. Meanwhile, most grumblers continue to attend the church they complain about and regularly criticize. Although…
Church Reviews: Going To Church For The Wrong Reason (Part 2)
Last week I discussed online church reviews and five reasons reviewers gave for attending those churches. The reasons weren’t bad things to like about a church, but they shouldn’t be the main reasons anyone chooses to attend. Today I have…
Church Reviews: Going To Church For The Wrong Reason (Part 1)
Thanks to the Internet, anyone in search of a church can do all the research she wants before actually visiting it. As a relatively socially awkward person, I appreciate being able to screen out places I would regret visiting by…
Ecumenism: Bringing The Wrong Things Together
If someone asked you, a Christian, if you would rather promote divisiveness or a united voice in the Church, what would you say? I’m going to take a bold stance and say you’d probably reject having a divisive spirit in…
Are There Roles For Women In The Church?
Women are struggling to know where they belong in the Church. A chorus of voices is encouraging them to seek out, even demand, the same roles that men have. Another group, however, demands that women stand aside and let the…
True Or False? Christianity Is Misogynistic.
Christianity gets a lot of criticism for its teachings, moral standards, leaders, and well, existing. Some of the criticism is warranted, but sometimes it’s based completely on lies. Today we’ll look at a lie that is as tiresome as it…
Cast Your Net: Reaching Everyone With The Gospel
Fishers of men. This expression is so common in churches and significant to Christians that we even teach it to our children in one of the catchiest Bible songs around. (You’re singing it in your head right now, aren’t you?)…
Pastors Should Be Thankful For Their Churches
Last week, I wrote a post about appreciating our pastors. I hoped to encourage Christians to not turn to celebrity pastors and instead be thankful for the everyday ministry work their local pastors do. However, congregants aren’t the only people…