True Or False? Christianity Is Misogynistic.
Christianity gets a lot of criticism for its teachings, moral standards, leaders, and well, existing. Some of the criticism is warranted, but sometimes it’s based completely on lies. Today we’ll look at a lie that is as tiresome as it…
Cast Your Net: Reaching Everyone With The Gospel
Fishers of men. This expression is so common in churches and significant to Christians that we even teach it to our children in one of the catchiest Bible songs around. (You’re singing it in your head right now, aren’t you?)…
Pastors Should Be Thankful For Their Churches
Last week, I wrote a post about appreciating our pastors. I hoped to encourage Christians to not turn to celebrity pastors and instead be thankful for the everyday ministry work their local pastors do. However, congregants aren’t the only people…
Pastor Appreciation Month: Who Do We Appreciate?
It’s October, and that means churches are celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month. It’s certainly not a requirement, but I’m sure your pastor and his family would enjoy some display of appreciation this month. A small note of encouragement, a gift card,…
Responding To Your Feedback: Part 8 (Pro-Choice Christian Edition)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
We All Need Godly Grandparents
Grandparents have been under heavy criticism in recent years due to significant changes in parenting styles. There are expectations for grandparents that didn’t apply to past generations. Parents dropped their kids off at grandparents’ houses for weeks at a time…
Consider Bursting Your Christian Bubble
Growing up in a secular home and not coming to salvation until I was twenty-six years old has given me a relatively unique perspective in the local church. Most people with whom I have attended church grew up in or…
Stop Being Weird About Single Christians In The Church
I was a single Christian for three months, and I was engaged for two of those months. Therefore, my experience as an unmarried believer is limited. If I’m completely honest with you, and you know I will be, I didn’t…
Kids Need Limits: Be A Parent, Not A Friend
My oldest daughter is fourteen years old, and much to my surprise, our relationship is shifting toward friendship. If I close my eyes, I can imagine us grabbing coffee, laughing over snarky memes, and enjoying conversations about politics and religion.…
Seeing Yourself The Way God Sees You
What do you think of yourself? Do you like the person you’re becoming? Too few of us do. It’s my suspicion that a lot of us use the wrong metric when deciding how we measure up. God sees you, Friend,…