• mother holding toddler's hand while walking away together

    Your Child Is His Own Person

    My third child was born at the beginning of January in 2014. He was a notably easy pregnancy and an even easier labor and delivery. That was the last time I would ever describe this boy as easy. My oldest…

  • hand on window overlooking apartment building

    Grief Is A Process And That’s OK

    My mom’s birthday was yesterday. She would have been sixty-one years old. Sadly, less than a month after she turned fifty-seven, she died due to cirrhosis of the liver. Our relationship was strained…to put it in the most positive light…

  • golden figure on Mormon temple
    Christian Walk

    Mormons And Christians Are Not The Same

    Mormons and Christians have an uncertain relationship. Members of the Mormon faith identify themselves as Christians while many Christians flat out reject that claim. Meanwhile, a great deal of believers support the idea of Mormons and Christians being like-minded brothers…

  • large family of children looking down through railing

    How To Handle Large Family Holidays

    As each one of my children arrived, more questions and “helpful” suggestions concerning finances came my way. “You can save money by eating off the McDonald’s dollar menu once a week.” “Stop having kids now.” “How will you pay for…

  • sign that says "thankful and blessed"
    Christian Walk

    Be Thankful, Even When You’re Not

    Thanksgiving is such a great holiday, isn’t it? It’s so low key that it doesn’t even mind Christmas has crept into its space… No one expects gifts or over the top expressions of love for Thanksgiving. We get to slow…

  • Luther rose
    Christian Walk

    Lutheranism Is Biblical, Right?

    Growing up Catholic I thought Lutherans were just less intense Catholics. Maybe they were less committed to their faith. Woo, boy! That was completely wrong, and Lutherans will make sure you know it. In fact, despite the many comparisons between…