Don’t Forget About Easter On Christmas
Christmas is a strange Christian holiday because believers’ celebration of Christ’s birth has essentially been hijacked by the world, and Christians have gone along with it for the most part. They say, “Jesus is the reason for the season,” but…
More “Good Idols” Christians Love To Defend
I recently wrote about some of the idols that Christians embrace in their lives because they don’t seem bad. On the contrary, these are “good idols,” such as family and ministry. Christians appear to ignore when their love and worship…
Ministering To Others: When Your Relationship Is Complicated
I am very open about my family relationships being complicated. My mom’s alcoholism, my parents’ divorce, and being the first one in my family to be a born-again Christian can make things awkward. In the midst of awkwardness, unresolved issues,…
The “Good Idols” Christians Love To Defend
Nearly everyone knows that idolatry is a big no-no in the Christian faith, but when I look at the Church I wonder if we understand idols at all. Believers aren’t crafting literal golden calves as far as I know. On…
The New Age Movement Has Infiltrated The Church
When you think of New Age, what comes to mind? Do you think about a mystical woman gazing into a crystal ball or a coven of witches meeting at midnight in the woods in the light of a full moon?…
7 Things You Aren’t Thankful For (But Should Be)
Thanksgiving is barreling toward us at neck-breaking speeds, and I believe all of us run the risk of letting it pass us by. Christmas decorations were out in October, so who has time to think about Thanksgiving, right? It’s an…
Creation Museum: An Honest Review (2022)
During my family’s trip earlier this year to Ken Ham’s Family Homeschool Experience at the Ark Encounter, we took a day to visit the Creation Museum. It was the second time we had been there, and we enjoyed visiting this…
How Can We Mourn With Those Who Mourn?
This week tragedy struck in our church family, and as a result, we are in the midst of planning a very unexpected funeral. Through the sadness, I have witnessed church members effortlessly jump into action to serve this family. To…
My Testimony: A New Creature In Christ
Churches in my region recently held a ladies fellowship event. We gathered together to spend time worshiping the Lord and spending time in a relaxed and fun setting. The event included musical performances, corporate singing, skits, lunch, comical and encouraging…
Even More Bad Marriage Advice For Christians
Marriage is a blessing, but let’s get real. Sometimes it is really challenging. In those moments when the challenge is overwhelming or new, we reach out for advice. And I’m here to tell you, there is an abundance of it.…