
  • father walking with 3 children

    10 Habits Of Good Christian Fathers

    Our current culture diminishes fathers’ inherent value in families. Modern feminists choose to raise kids without a man in their lives, usurp their husbands in the home concerning child-rearing, and/or vilify men who fit the “cisgender” label. Fathers, however, are…

  • two children having a pillow fight

    Your Challenging Child Is An Opportunity

    Any mother will tell you that every child can be challenging. Some mothers, however, understand that certain children are a little (see: A LOT) extra with their challenge. I finally felt seen as a mom to a challenging child when…

  • mother holding toddler's hand while walking away together

    Your Child Is His Own Person

    My third child was born at the beginning of January in 2014. He was a notably easy pregnancy and an even easier labor and delivery. That was the last time I would ever describe this boy as easy. My oldest…

  • silhouette of pregnant woman

    An Unwanted Blessing: My 5th Baby

    My youngest turned four years old this week. He is living proof that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3). My husband and I, as well as our other four children, adore him. He isn’t just my baby. He’s…

  • mother holding baby

    Do You Trust God With Your Children?

    Today’s post was supposed to be a completely different topic. It was going to examine the criticisms of a biblically conservative lifestyle choice. We’ll get to it sometime in the future because today I felt I needed to write about…