Ministry Life
How To Help Your Pastor Husband (Part 2)
A couple of months ago I wrote a post called “How To Help Your Pastor Husband.” In my opinion, pastors need a lot of help from their wives because I quickly came up with at least twelve ideas. I covered…
How I’m Raising My Preacher’s Kids
I was woefully unprepared for motherhood, but raising preacher’s kids has only added a whole new challenge to the mix. In conservative circles, I feel compelled to explain my lack of “churching” as a young person. We didn’t do the…
How To Help Your Pastor Husband
Pastors’ wives have a unique role in the Church. We are not hired by our local church, but we often find ourselves serving alongside our husbands as if we were. I believe many members of the church see that through…
Ministering To Others: When Your Relationship Is Complicated
I am very open about my family relationships being complicated. My mom’s alcoholism, my parents’ divorce, and being the first one in my family to be a born-again Christian can make things awkward. In the midst of awkwardness, unresolved issues,…
Your Church Needs To Change
Church is one of my favorite places to be. There is comfort in the familiarity of the routines, traditions, and friendly faces. Hey, even the unfriendly faces make me feel a sense of comfort and security. I know my place…
Is Children’s Ministry Worth The Effort?
A few years ago, I would have said that children’s ministry is a waste of time. I understand why that makes me sound like a jaded, single, child-hating twenty-something. However, I’m a married woman with five children who is turning…
10 Ways To Minister To A New Believer
My salvation was an unforgettable experience. Everything changed when I became a new believer. The life I once knew was no longer attractive to me, my desires were for godly things, and no one in my life seemed to understand…
Ministry Life: Boundaries
Ministry life is littered with traps. Don’t misunderstand me, though, because I’ll be the first one to tell you about how being a pastor’s wife has blessed me. Actually, my husband’s ministry has blessed our entire family. Nonetheless, the blessings…
Ministry Life: Burnout
Working alongside my husband in various ministries has had its share of ups and downs. Volunteering in church, living and working at a boys home, going through seminary, bi-vocational ministry, and full-time pastoral work have all had one thing in…
Ministry Life: Handling Criticism
Men and women enter ministry with such enthusiasm and positivity. I just sit back and smile because what good would I do to dampen their spirits? And after all, there is plenty to be enthusiastic and positive about. Nevertheless, I…