Should We Focus On Academic Excellence In Homeschooling?
Homeschooling has become a much more popular topic of conversation and heated debate after the virus-that-shall-not-be-named led to school closures across the nation. Suddenly, kids were at home, and everyone thought they were homeschooling by plopping their children in front…
Math Curriculum Comparison: Teaching Textbooks, BJU Press, And Horizons
If any one subject is responsible for scaring away potential homeschoolers, it would have to be math. One of the most common questions I hear about homeschooling my children is, “How do you teach math?” This inquiry is usually accompanied…
6 Homeschool Lessons I’ve Learned Over The Last 12 Years
My twelfth year of homeschooling has wrapped up, and I’m looking back over the last year to determine what went well and what needs to be retooled. After all this time, some of you might think I should be an…
John Oliver And Homeschool: A Bad Take
Alleged comedian, John Oliver, hosts a show on HBO called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. About a month ago, he chose to dedicate a twenty-four-minute segment on homeschooling. It was an alarmingly prejudiced, misinformed, and brainwashed diatribe. So, it…
Curriculum Review: My Father’s World (Family Learning Cycle)
We are starting a new school year in my home, and it feels like a major milestone for me. Last school year we completed the My Father’s World Family Learning Cycle for the first time, and we are about to…
Is It Time For You To Quit Homeschooling?
Last week my family wrapped up the 2022-2023 homeschool year. Everyone was thrilled to put the curriculum aside for a bit and take a needed break. No one, however, was more excited than me. By the time we were down…
Homeschool Mom Problems: Get A Life
“What do you do for fun?” I’ve heard that countless times over the years when I’m meeting someone new. My response is typically a glazed over stare and an uncomfortable giggle. Nowadays, my main hobby is chasing the eight ball.…
Jen Wilkin Is Wrong About Public School
*Someone did not like my stance. Check out Responding To Your Feedback: Part 4 to read the exchange.* The Internet blew up in Christian circles last week when The Gospel Coalition (TGC) released a new episode of a series called…
Homeschoolers Should Reject “School Choice”
I tried to be quiet on school choice because the response to it has been overwhelmingly positive. Rather than voice my concerns, I sat back and watched as conservatives, Christians, and homeschoolers championed school choice legislation. Proponents keep repeating phrases…
What To Do When Homeschool Gets Hard
Usually, when you ask a homeschool parent about homeschooling, she will tell you how wonderful it is and proceed to list every benefit homeschooling offers. In fact, she’ll probably list things that are not true for her personally but she…