Christian Walk
Six Things You Think Can Save You But Can’t
“Christian” is a term that Americans regularly overapply. It has become an umbrella term for any and all denominations and individuals that want to identify under the banner of Christianity. Meanwhile, many of these “Christians” have core beliefs that contradict…
Feminism Is Not Compatible With Christianity
The woke world in which we live today sort of encompasses every area of our existence. Institutions, workplaces, school, speech, and even thought is under reevaluation and reconstruction. One concept that has become increasingly confusing and difficult to understand is…
How To Choose A Church
On a fairly regular basis, I see women on Facebook asking for help choosing a church. They may have just moved, recently became a Christian, or left a church for one reason or another. I’ve noticed something a bit disturbing,…
Modesty: It’s More Than What You Wear
Matthew West, an award-winning Contemporary Christian musician, recently dropped a new single entitled “Modest is Hottest.” The reaction was predictably angry and blinded by modern feminism and purity culture backlash. Blogs and comment sections lit up with this seemingly never-ending…
I’m Afraid I Have Wasted My Life
I gave a devotional at my church’s Mother-Daughter Banquet recently. It was a fun time, and I enjoyed writing the devotional and speaking. Naturally, you might think I walked away from the experience feeling pretty good, but I did not.…
Living As A Christian Looks Weird
Note: Below is the talk I gave at my church’s Mother-Daughter Banquet about how living as a Christian looks weird…or it should! I’m not one to do a lot of public speaking, but I had a good time. I decided…
“Online Church” Is Not Real Church
Covid-19 has created all sorts of new challenges for churches. Not the least of which is, “How do we have church services without meeting at our church buildings?” Easy! Thanks to modern-day technology the answer is “online church.” Of course,…
Am I Different Now That I’m Born Again?
I recently shared the testimony of my salvation (aka: being born again) on social media. If you haven’t seen it, you can read it HERE. (Or read the long version) For now, suffice it to say, I repented of my…
Should Christians Celebrate Easter Like The World?
Easter is here again, and it is time to get ready to celebrate. Eggs will be filled with candy, kids will hunt eggs, and grown adults will walk around in bunny costumes while taking pictures with random children. Families will…
I’m Too Scared To Blog, But I’m Doing It Anyway
Have you ever been too scared to do something? Even if you felt like God was prompting you in that direction? I have definitely felt that way, and most recently it had to do with what you’re reading. The Scene:…