Christian Walk
Learn To Discern: Truth Or Alleged Truth?
This week I celebrated being a born-again Christian for fourteen years. Prior to that, I was fully enmeshed in a culturally and politically liberal lifestyle. I shifted quickly to a conservative biblical mindset after my salvation, but the world seemed…
How To Identify A Good Christian Ladies’ Retreat
Christian women love a ladies’ retreat, don’t they? These retreats provide women with a chance to get away for a bit, spend uninterrupted time with other women, and hopefully, feel encouraged in their walk with the Lord. Ladies’ retreats vary…
Women Need Theology, Too
Writing a blog has given me countless opportunities to encounter the varying beliefs women across the country hold. These women come from diverse backgrounds and demographics, but one thing unites a great deal of them. They frighten me! The emails…
More “Good Idols” Christians Love To Defend
I recently wrote about some of the idols that Christians embrace in their lives because they don’t seem bad. On the contrary, these are “good idols,” such as family and ministry. Christians appear to ignore when their love and worship…
The “Good Idols” Christians Love To Defend
Nearly everyone knows that idolatry is a big no-no in the Christian faith, but when I look at the Church I wonder if we understand idols at all. Believers aren’t crafting literal golden calves as far as I know. On…
7 Things You Aren’t Thankful For (But Should Be)
Thanksgiving is barreling toward us at neck-breaking speeds, and I believe all of us run the risk of letting it pass us by. Christmas decorations were out in October, so who has time to think about Thanksgiving, right? It’s an…
My Testimony: A New Creature In Christ
Churches in my region recently held a ladies fellowship event. We gathered together to spend time worshiping the Lord and spending time in a relaxed and fun setting. The event included musical performances, corporate singing, skits, lunch, comical and encouraging…
Turning 40: There’s So Much More Ahead
Somehow, despite the odds, I’ve made it all the way to forty. I wish I had handled the weeks approaching this birthday better, but I have been dreading it. Turning 40 seemed like such a big deal. An ending. The…
All Christians Should Be Faithfully Different: A Peek Into Natasha Crain’s Book
So many Christian books written by women focus on the self and feelings. Others contort readers’ minds through theological gymnastics in order to excuse sinful behaviors and a worldly lifestyle. Yet women continue to clamor for these books on any…
Confession: I Have Fallen Short
I recently woke up to some news that really shook me; I’m a garbage human being. That’s a pretty harsh statement, but don’t feel too bad for me. The assessment is my own. Of course, the whole truth is a…