Christian Walk
5 Things Christians Should Do More Often
Not too long ago, I wrote a post entitled 5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now. I focused on behaviors that hurt personal testimonies and weaken a Christian’s relationship with Jesus. However, the Christian life is not simply a…
Let’s Try To Be Transparent Christians
Transparency is a common way of being “real” with other people and is seen as authenticity. Personally, I’m not sure why any Christian would not want to be transparent with others. As usual, though, I’m learning how much I don’t…
God Is The Source Of Our Freedom
Recently, I was asked to speak in a breakout session about what God has been the source of in my life. Sounds simple. But have you ever considered what God provides for us? God is the source of more things…
Christian, You Need To Share Your Testimony
I recently attended a ladies’ retreat, and I was given the opportunity to share my testimony of salvation. At first, I was hesitant because I suspected no one would come to hear me. I’m not all that interesting, or at…
Selfie Culture Is An Extension Of A Sinful Culture
I know I may be old by some standards, but at forty-one, I’m technically a millennial. Though, please, don’t clump me in with the stereotypes. Millennials are known for many things to which I can’t relate. Topping that list would…
10 Easy Ways To Encourage Others
Encouragers are an amazing breed to me. It seems to come so easy to them. Meanwhile, all I can come up with is a slow pat on the back and a quietly delivered, “There, there.” Is there hope for people…
5 Things Christians Should Stop Doing Right Now
Christians receive a lot of criticism for what they do and for what they fail to do, as well. It seems as if everyone has a set of standards to which they hold other Christians, and believers find they can…
The Battle With Sin: Spiritual Discipline
After being saved, I naively believed that my sin issue was over. I repented and believed, and the Lord saw fit to save me! So, as I understood it, that nasty ol’ sin problem was over. The joke was on…
7 Unrealistic Expectations Christians Should Forget Immediately
Expectations, in and of themselves, are not problematic, but we need to make sure they are based in reality. For Christians, this means keeping expectations grounded in God’s Word. For instance, believers rightfully expect Christ’s return (Luke 12:40), sanctification (1…
The New Believer: A Letter To Myself
A lot has happened in my fourteen years as a Christian. The world has rapidly changed around me, and my life is radically different than the one I was leading before my salvation. In fact, I would say that my…