Christian Walk

  • church at sunrise
    Christian Walk

    8 Reasons I Love My Church

    Churches receive a lot of criticism from congregants. Some feel negatively enough about a church that they’ll move on to another or leave church altogether. Meanwhile, most grumblers continue to attend the church they complain about and regularly criticize. Although…

  • writing a list in a notebook
    Christian Walk

    My Christian Bucket List

    Every January I look back at the previous year and assess where I stand in different areas of my life. Resolutions are a recipe for failure for me, though. Despite successfully accomplishing many goals I’ve set for myself over the…

  • open bible
    Christian Walk

    5 Christian Things I Don’t Do

    Christians are supposed to be set apart for God. We draw closer to Him and move away from the world. That is a natural part of sanctification, and we should expect all Christians to display this pattern in their lives.…

  • little girl hugging grandma
    Christian Walk

    We All Need Godly Grandparents

    Grandparents have been under heavy criticism in recent years due to significant changes in parenting styles. There are expectations for grandparents that didn’t apply to past generations. Parents dropped their kids off at grandparents’ houses for weeks at a time…