Seeing Yourself The Way God Sees You
What do you think of yourself? Do you like the person you’re becoming? Too few of us do. It’s my suspicion that a lot of us use the wrong metric when deciding how we measure up. God sees you, Friend,…
Math Curriculum Comparison: Teaching Textbooks, BJU Press, And Horizons
If any one subject is responsible for scaring away potential homeschoolers, it would have to be math. One of the most common questions I hear about homeschooling my children is, “How do you teach math?” This inquiry is usually accompanied…
We Aren’t Ready For Christian Persecution
American Christians, me included, have become thin-skinned, and it’s affecting our Christian walk. We’re easily offended, scared to openly share our faith, and find ourselves comfortable enough with the culture around us to blend in with the world. The reasons…
How To Sabotage Your Marriage: Sexual Intimacy
You can’t write a series on marriage without some discussion of sexual intimacy. Trust me. I’ve tried. I’m a forty-one-year-old woman who blushes at the mere mention of sex, but I just cannot see a way around it. I mean,…
Christians Are Hypocrites (Defending Christianity)
If you’ve met any unbelievers, then I’m guessing you have heard objections to the Christian faith. Some are easy to dismiss while others require much more knowledge about Christ, the Bible, and the nature of our own souls. Can you…
The Cost Of Christianity: Losing Relationships
We tell people about Christ, as we should, and we encourage them to repent and believe. All good things. However, sometimes Christians make the mistake of making born-again Christianity sound too good. Being a believer doesn’t instantly solve every problem.…
The Changing Role Of A Mother
Expectant mothers hear about the blessing of motherhood, how quickly the years will fly by, and the hard work that’s involved. And yes, those things are true and important to know. There’s something I don’t hear about often, though, and…
How Should Christians Vote?
It’s 2024, and you know what that means. Americans are being forced to endure yet another presidential election. To kick off this election season, we recently had a presidential debate between former President Trump and President Biden, and it was…
Your Christian Life Isn’t About You
I recently met with a group of Christian women to plan a large ladies’ event being held next year. We brainstormed idea after idea for possible workshops, and many worthwhile topics had to be left on the cutting room floor…
I’m A Hypocritical Mom
Hypocrite. A hypocrite is a person who, according to Merriam-Webster, acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. I think I live a life that is generally transparent, and I am open about my shortcomings, of which…