Responding To Your Feedback: Part 9 (Biblical Roles For Men And Women)
Every so often I receive comments on my blog posts and emails from readers who want to share their input on what I have written. Although many are supportive and friendly, plenty of others are critical, mean-spirited, inaccurate, or some…
6 Bible Verses For A Better Marriage
Valentine’s Day is here, and husbands are scrambling to do something romantic and meaningful for their wives. If not, they’re probably creating a safety plan for when they come home empty-handed. (All right. I admit that might be a bit…
What Makes A Good Husband?
I’ve written about marriage in the past, and I usually receive some messages about my luck. No one argues that I am lying about my husband’s good qualities, but some people think he’s an anomaly. Perhaps. However, I’ve met enough…
8 Reasons I Love My Church
Churches receive a lot of criticism from congregants. Some feel negatively enough about a church that they’ll move on to another or leave church altogether. Meanwhile, most grumblers continue to attend the church they complain about and regularly criticize. Although…
Should We Focus On Academic Excellence In Homeschooling?
Homeschooling has become a much more popular topic of conversation and heated debate after the virus-that-shall-not-be-named led to school closures across the nation. Suddenly, kids were at home, and everyone thought they were homeschooling by plopping their children in front…
5 Things I Don’t Do As A Housewife
Thanks to the tradwife trend and the unrealistic expectations set before us on social media, a lot of housewives are trying to be someone they aren’t. It’s completely normal to strive to be the best at what we do, but…
My Christian Bucket List
Every January I look back at the previous year and assess where I stand in different areas of my life. Resolutions are a recipe for failure for me, though. Despite successfully accomplishing many goals I’ve set for myself over the…
5 Christian Things I Don’t Do
Christians are supposed to be set apart for God. We draw closer to Him and move away from the world. That is a natural part of sanctification, and we should expect all Christians to display this pattern in their lives.…
Christianity According To A Witch
Criticism aimed at Christianity has become so commonplace that a lot of believers tune it out. That reaction isn’t surprising when you think about it. Seriously, how many misinformed, biased, or off-the-wall jabs toward one’s faith require a reaction or…
Don’t Let Distractions At Christmas Take Over The Holiday
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year. With the kids jingle belling, and everyone telling you, ‘Be of good cheer!’ It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” This song captures the nostalgic and magical feeling I get around…