• husband and wife holding hands

    6 Bible Verses For A Better Marriage

    Valentine’s Day is here, and husbands are scrambling to do something romantic and meaningful for their wives. If not, they’re probably creating a safety plan for when they come home empty-handed. (All right. I admit that might be a bit…

  • husband/groom

    What Makes A Good Husband?

    I’ve written about marriage in the past, and I usually receive some messages about my luck. No one argues that I am lying about my husband’s good qualities, but some people think he’s an anomaly. Perhaps. However, I’ve met enough…

  • church at sunrise
    Christian Walk

    8 Reasons I Love My Church

    Churches receive a lot of criticism from congregants. Some feel negatively enough about a church that they’ll move on to another or leave church altogether. Meanwhile, most grumblers continue to attend the church they complain about and regularly criticize. Although…

  • bread and pickles on cutting board

    5 Things I Don’t Do As A Housewife

    Thanks to the tradwife trend and the unrealistic expectations set before us on social media, a lot of housewives are trying to be someone they aren’t. It’s completely normal to strive to be the best at what we do, but…

  • writing a list in a notebook
    Christian Walk

    My Christian Bucket List

    Every January I look back at the previous year and assess where I stand in different areas of my life. Resolutions are a recipe for failure for me, though. Despite successfully accomplishing many goals I’ve set for myself over the…

  • open bible
    Christian Walk

    5 Christian Things I Don’t Do

    Christians are supposed to be set apart for God. We draw closer to Him and move away from the world. That is a natural part of sanctification, and we should expect all Christians to display this pattern in their lives.…

  • cauldrons in a field
    Current Affairs

    Christianity According To A Witch

    Criticism aimed at Christianity has become so commonplace that a lot of believers tune it out. That reaction isn’t surprising when you think about it. Seriously, how many misinformed, biased, or off-the-wall jabs toward one’s faith require a reaction or…